Yeah, my data’s all there except for a photo that was larger than the allowed dimensions. Though the other two I uploaded were larger than the allowed file-size… does SafeCracker File not display errors for either of those? The post just went through both in the front-end and the CP.
The channel entries tag is in a separate template.
{!-- index.html --}
<h2>Welcome to the Green Roof Blocks Community!</h2>
<p>Take a look at our community photos and <a href="{path='community/share'}">share</a> some of your own.</p>
<h2>Community Photos</h2>
<div class="community-entry">
<h3><a href="{url_title_path='community/project'}">{title}</a></h3>
<div class="community-member">
{if community-member-avatar != ""}
{exp:imgsizer:size class="avatar" src="{community-member-avatar}" alt="{community-member-name}'s Avatar" width="100" height="100"}
<img src="/images/no-avatar.jpg" alt="No avatar" width="100" height="100" />
<p class="community-member-meta">{community-member-name} <span class="location">{community-member-location}</span></p>
<a href="{member-photo}" rel="shadowbox[{community-member-name}-photos]" title="{member-photo-title}">
{exp:imgsizer:size src="{member-photo}" alt="{member-photo-title}" width="196"}
{if {total_pages} > 1}
<div class="clear"></div>
<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>
{!-- share.html --}
<link href="{path=css/_ee_saef_css}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
<h2>Share Your Project Photos with the Green Roof Blocks Community</h2>
<p>Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.</p>
<label for="title">Project Title*</label>
<input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="{title}" size="50" maxlength="100">
<label class="display-none" for="url_title">URL Title</label>
<input class="display-none" type="text" name="url_title" id="url_title" value="{url_title}" maxlength="75" size="50" />
{!-- Custom Fields --}
<label for="community-member-name">Name*</label>
<input type="text" name="community-member-name" id="community-member-name" value="{community-member-name}" />
<label for="community-member-email">email* <span class="field-instructions">Will not be shared.</span></label>
<input type="text" name="community-member-email" id="community-member-email" value="{community-member-email}" />
<label for="community-member-location">Location*
<span class="field-instructions">Format: City, State and/or Country (ex. <em>St. Louis, MO USA</em> or <em>Porto, Portugal</em>)</span></label>
<input type="text" name="community-member-location" id="community-member-location" value="{community-member-location}" />
<label for="community-member-avatar">Avatar <span class="field-instructions">No larger than 3 KB. Will be displayed at 100px x 100px.</span></label>
<label for="community-member-gallery">Project Photos*
<span class="field-instructions">Click on the + to add more photos.
Remove photos by hovering over the row number, clicking the dropdown, and choosing "Remove row."</span></label>
<label for="project-description">Project Description</label>
{if captcha}
<label for="captcha">Please enter the word you see in the image below*</label
><input type="text" name="captcha" value="{captcha_word}" maxlength="20" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="" />