I was wondering if the following has been done before and is possible with safe cracker.
Short scenario. I have two channels. 1 is for ‘products’ and another one if for ‘feedback’. The safe cracker form posts new entries to the feedback channel. This all works great.
The feedback channel also has playa field to relate the feedback to the products.
So, my question. Rather than having to go into the feedback entry manually and adding the product relationship in the playa field. is it possible for safe cracker to ‘remember’ what product the user gave feedback on and store that in the playa field? this way I can relate the feedback with the product and also reverser relate the product with the feedback.
every product has a a link to the safe cracker ‘feedback’ form, so I wonder if I could pass along the entry id into the playa field on the safe cracker feedback form??
ideas, thoughts, code?? anything is appreciated to get me started.
showing the playa field is extremely easy.
{if playa}
that gives me the actual playa interface and lets me select the product.
I am not sure how I would go about prepopulating this based on what product link I come from? I think i could probably pass along the entry_url in the url somehow but how would I tell the playa field to use that? I dont necessarily want to show the entire playa interface,. this should happen in the background based on what product entry the user clicks from