Order Items

The order_items tag makes it simple to output item data stored in the order_items table for completed orders. You can pull data for one or more orders, or pull order data related to one or more products. You can access information for each purchased item's order table data like you would with standard ExpressionEngine custom field variables. Examples shown below.

Table of Contents



This parameter pulls up data specific to one (or more) orders. Separate multiple order_ids with a pipe "|" character.


This parameter pulls up data specific to one (or more) specific items. Separate multiple entry_ids with a pipe "|" character.


Orders the returned data


Sets the sort order. Use asc, or desc for "ascending" or "decending"


limit the number of order items listed.


offsets the returned items. Useful for pagination.


When you nest tags within tags in ExpressionEngine, you may end up with mulitple items named "entryid" or "title". Using the variable prefix allows you to set a prefix that can be added to variables to reduce these variable name clashes. If you added "order_items\" variable prefix, you could then use {order_items_title} or {order_items_entry_id}



All variables can also be prefixed with item: in case of clashes with another EE tag. (eg: {item:title} {item:price})


This is the entry id of the purchased item (if any)



This is the order id of the related order



The purchased quantity



The purchase price. This is the price of the item at the time of purchase.



The price of the item as it was recorded without formatting

{price_numeric} 12


The price of the item as it was recorded plus tax with formatting (does not change even if the related entry id or tax rate changes)

{price_plus_tax} $12.77


The price of the item as it was recorded plus tax without formatting (does not change even if the related entry id or tax rate changes)

{price_plus_tax_numeric} 12.77  


The purchase price * quantity for this item. This is the price of the item at the time of purchase.



The price of the item * quantity as it was recorded without formatting

{subtotal_numeric} 12


The price of the item as it was recorded * quantity plus tax with formatting (does not change even if the related entry id or tax rate changes)

{subtotal_plus_tax} $12.77


The price of the item as it was recorded * quantity plus tax without formatting (does not change even if the related entry id or tax rate changes)

{subtotal_plus_tax_numeric} 12.77


The title of the purchased item



The current item number in this group of order items



Outputs the total amount of items in this group of order items.



Alternate between the specified values. See the ExpressionEngine docs for more information on switches.

{switch='option_one|option_two'} would switch from option_one|option_two from line to line


If you used item_options[shirt_size] when you added an item to the cart, {shirt_size} will be available. If you have "size" or "color" or "material" in your order items field, you would output them with size, color, material. The item options can be any term except entry_id, title, quantity, count, or total_results.



{if first_item}

Helps determine if the current item is the first in the list.

{if first_item} <table> {/if}

{if last_item}

Helps determine if the current item is the last in the list

{if last_item} </table> {/if}

{if is_package}

Helps determine if the item is a package/bundled item

{if is_package} a package was purchased {/if}

{if no_results}

Shown if no orders or entries matching your parameters are found.

{if no_results}You have no orders!{/if}

Variable Pairs


This variable pair makes it easy to output all item options, even if you don't know what the option names are.

{option_label}(option group name) {option_name} (descriptive specific option name) and {option_value} (sku, or code value of the option) can be used within this variable pair.

     <strong>{option_label}</strong> {option_name}: {option_value}


Outputs data related to packages. You can access information related to the sub items using {sub:variable}



This example will output all order items from all orders.

    {title} {entry_id} {quantity}

This example will output all order data related to a customers purchase.

    {if authorized}
    Your Order Data: 
        {exp:cartthrob:order_items order_id="{order_id}" variable_prefix="items_"}
            {items_title} {items_entry_id} {items_quantity} {items_price} <br />
                <div style="color:red">{option_name}: {option_value} </div>


This example will output ordered t-shirt sizes for entry_id 123.

{exp:cartthrob:order_items entry_id="123"}
    {title} {entry_id} {quantity} {price} T-shirt size: {shirt_size} {if shirt_color}Shirt Color: {shirt_color}{/if}<br />
    {if no_results}
        item 123 has not been purchased

This example uses a the alternate syntax (item:variable) to reduce variable name clashes with the channel:entries tag variables of the same name. For instance, you can refer to the order title as well as the item title using {title} (order title) and {item:title} (item title).

{exp:channel:entries channel="orders"}
    {exp:cartthrob:order_items order_id="{entry_id}" }
        <tr class="{item:switch='odd|even'}">
                {if is_package}
                        {sub:title}<br /> 
            <td align="right">
            <td align="right">
                {item:price}<br />
                (w/ tax: {item:price_plus_tax})</td>
            <td align="right">
                {item:subtotal}<br />
                (w/ tax: {item:subtotal_plus_tax})
            <td align="right">
                {if item:product_download_url}
                    <a href="{exp:cartthrob:get_download_link field='product_download_url' entry_id='{item:entry_id}'}">Download</a></span>