CartThrob Tags
CartThrob is made up of three primary parts. CartThrob settings, ExpressionEngine Channel data, and ExpressionEngine templates. In the ExpressionEngine templates is where you will create your cart using standard ExpressionEngine tags, along with new CartThrob tags that add functionality to your templates. These tags help you craft a store experience that is tailored to your specific requirements. These template tags can be used in nearly any order on any ExpressionEngine template page. CartThrob includes preset examples, but these are only a guide. You can build a store from the ground up, or start with the sample templates and build from there.
This section outlines the purpose of each tag, and example usage code.
For a more generic description of how CartThrob can be used to build an entire store, you may want to review the following pages;
We've broken CartThrob tags down into simple groupings by primary function into several categories below. Several tags may appear in more than one category.
CartThrob Tags
- Adding, editing, and veiwing the cart Adding and manipulating items in the cart, and viewing the cart contents
- Checkout Submitting the cart for payment capture and saving the order
- Discounts & Coupons/Vouchers Adding coupon/voucher codes and viewing current discount amount
- Downloading files Protecting file downloads
- HTML helpers Outputting select form fields & other HTML
- Shipping tags Capture and display shipping information
- Utilities Advanced & special use tags